
If you only know minimal JS, you should really consider getting a good 
book on it and picking it up before diving into an Ajax library. While 
most Ajax libs abstract JS to some extent, eventually, you're going to 
have to dig into it to actually build something.

If you just want a straight Ajax library, then I would suggest AjaxCFC 
or JSMX. If you want more in terms of widgets, then mxAjax has that.

I use jQuery which is one of the more popular JS libs, because of its 
ease of syntax, community and wealth of widgets. I've turned on a number 
of CF folks to it and they've been very happy with it.

Adobe Spry is also a nice alternative and includes some very nice data 
binding capabilities.


Charles Sheehan-Miles wrote:
> Hello all,
> So this is a request for opinions.  I'm way behind the curve in that I've
> done nothing in terms of Ajax or flex.
> I'm looking for opinions in terms of what would be the quickest and easiest
> to get up to speed on.  I only know the most minimal javascript.  Any
> opinions on what is the most effective to get up to speed on quickly?
> Is there anything that's already encapsulated in cfcs?
> Thanks,
> Charles

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