To chime in on this:  I don't believe you would need to purchase
multiple copies of CF for virtualized servers, only one per *physical*
server, with up to 2 max CPU's.

Since the license for CF is for 1-2 CPU's, running it on an unlimited
number of VM's residing on a single physical server (dual CPU dual or
quad core) would still conform to the license.
Of course, you would need to go beefy to properly support anything more
than 2 - 3 instances of windows / CF, but 8 gigs of ram would be cheaper
than 4 copies of CF Enterprise =)

With your example, run 4 virtual servers on a dual CPU quad core system,
and software licensing would be (4) windows at $2000 and 1 CF enterprise
at $6000.  Also, I believe the next version of Windows server will
support 'virtualized' instances right out of the box, and would share
the same OS code for each virtual machine.  This would remove the
necessity for multiple windows instances. I really think virtual servers
sharing a license would be the way to go for CF hosting I think, have a
beefy machine with relatively small VM's so each user has a 'dedicated'
server to play with, and pay for only 1 CF license =)

Chris Peterson

Nathan Strutz wrote:
> First off, licensing - windows 2003 web edition costs around $500 last
> checked, though I don't track the virtualization pricing schemes.
> Standard edition is about $1300 and ColdFusion Enterprise weighs in at
> $6000. CF is always licensed to physical CPU pairs (dual cores count
as 1
> CPU).
> To go the CF Enterprise way, If you have 4 servers, 2 processors each,
> you'll buy 4 Windows licenses, and 4 CF enterprise licenses. - cost:
> $26,000.

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