> Using cfsavecontent is a possibility but I want to use the 
> variable on the CF side to do some xmlsearches on and I need 
> it in the form of an XML object.  It seemed to make more 
> sense to generate the xml object first and then tostring it 
> when I was finished.  I guess it is 6 of one half a dozen of 
> the other.

In that case, yes, it should be an XML document object, so you'll have to
replace the encoding attribute.

> Maybe so, but I still think it is retarded.  :) If for no 
> other reason than the inconsistency between IE and Mozilla...

There are plenty of other inconsistencies between IE and Mozilla, where
Mozilla correctly interprets the guiding specification and IE doesn't.

> .... And the fact that I can't think of any good reason why 
> white space should be treated as significant when in between 
> nodes.  That's like stopping to read one those "this page 
> intentionally left blank" pages in a book.

XML is designed to be used in practically any environment. In some
environments, whitespace has significance. In others, it doesn't. Should a
haiku be written on one line?

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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