Without looking at the tutorial code.

You may want to look and see what document is calling the images.  
Images are relative to the document.  Ie if I cfinclude a document from 
/includes which is on the same level as the /images directory and i call 
images/image.gif then the web browser is going to try to find the image 
in /includes/images/image.gif.  You may want to change the image src to 
/images/image.gif instead of images/image.gif.  This will tell the 
browser to look for the /images directory in the root of the application.

Just a thought :)

Steve Good
Portal Hosting

Luis Octavio Galdames Hidalgo wrote:
> I am learning to program CFML following the Compass Travel example.
> I am following the lessons pretty well, obtaining the expected results, but...
> The lessons show a page with images for bottons, located in 
> /my_app/images/last.jpg
> I used    <img src="images/last.jpg">  and also    
> <img src="/my_app/images/last.jpg"> but my page only shows the square where 
> the image should be...  Am I missign some configuration?

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