First of all i would like to thank you all for all your suggestions but i 
couldn't implement/test it as i don't have access to CF network now. Will check 
it tomorrow and let you all know the result of it :-)

That test value is nothing but the selected listbox value which we'll get as 
comma separated. 

thanks once again...

devi bala

>Devi, when you're not getting the result you expect from a query,
>there are several things you can do to figure out why.
>Obviously if you're getting an error message, that'll tell you a lot
>about what you need to fix.  But if there is no error message, and you
>are getting a result, just not the one you thought (as in this case),
>you need to have a look at the actual SQL statement that's being sent
>to tthe database.
>One way is to turn debugging on in the CF administrator.   IF you're
>on a shared host, you probably dont have access to the CF
>administrator, but you can have access to it in your own development
>environment.   I would suggest (if you havent done so already) set up
>CF and a web server on your own PC so you can develop locally with
>full access to everything before you deploy your pages to the shared
>WIth debugging turned on, you can see what the actual SQLStatement was
>that was sent to the database that gave the result you hadn't
>predicted.   Then you can work out what to do from there - change your
>logic, change your CFQUERY tag, set a variable, whatever.
>If you can't use debugging for any reason, you're still not lost.
>There's a little-known set of variables with every CFQUERY, that can
>be very useful.  Most of use queryname.recordcount to test if there
>was a result, but there's another variable that i did know but had
>forgotten about until someone reminded me a few weeks ago.   You can
>output the actual SQL from a query with a variable called .SQL.
>For example, suppose you have a query called qGetNames as follows:
><cfquery name="qGetNames " datasource="#application.dsn#" result="rGetNames">
>SELECT firstname,lastname from tablename
>You can see the result of the query with <cfdump var="#qGetNames#" />
>but you can see the sql sent to the database with <cfdump
>var="#rGetNames.sql#" />
>Mike Kear
>Windsor, NSW, Australia
>Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
>AFP Webworks
>ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month
>On 6/25/07, Devi r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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