Ok I've spent that last 2 hours tearing my hair out trying to figure out
what was wrong in my code. When I come to the realization to test it in IE
and bam it works. I have a dynamically generated Select drop down that
marked the option tag selected that is the value I want. Firefox is ignoring
the selected attribute but IE picks it up just fine. Has anyone else run
into this problem before?



<cfset xID = 3>

<select name="groupID">

<cfloop query="myquery_1">

<option value="#ID#" <cfif ID EQ





BTW I've tried it several ways:

<option value="#ID#" <cfif ID EQ

<option value="#ID#" <cfif ID EQ

<option value="#ID#" <cfif ID EQ ID>selected</cfif>>#Description#</option>


None of the above worked in FireFox but all of them worked in IE. I've
googled my brains out but every were I've seen people post about this, there
is never a solution.


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