Now, I'm not the brightest guy in the world, but it looks to me like that's 
meant for cleaning things off your system that accumulate over time. Why the 
hell would you run that right after installing your OS - before you have any 
crap to clean?""

or like when you install windows and all the crap it installs for you that you 
dont want/need and you'd like to remove to size the os down and since windows 
add/remove feature isnt to great you can use a 3rd party tool like ccleaner to 
do it because it does a better job.

yes I am sure ccleaners was at fault for forcing vista to ask me 8 times 
everytime if it was ok to run it.

"Why would entering your password again make a difference?"
so if you have your laptop and u get up and to go drop a log and come back and 
its gone and you have logged in as an admin... you are hosed... of course you 
would also be a dumbass for doing that but still...

dave, ppl arent as anal as you are, some people dont want to have to have a 
masters degree in nuclear science to set up their computer and most people have 
no idea in this world that you shouldnt run it in admin mode, hell they dont 
even know it exists. 

"If you install crap constantly, you will need to clean up constantly."
I didnt install anything besides crap cleaner and an av.

i seem to have had the same problems as most everyone else, the difference is I 
was barely using it. Using it for two minutes becomes 10 minutes.

"What exactly did you do with it? I mean, running IE7 and "crap cleaner" isn't 
much of a test of how an OS works."
you are right it wasnt much of a test dave and yet it failed miserably. If it 
cant run those 2 items at least at a decent level then what can it do right?

"I'm not having any problems with Dreamweaver 8 on Vista, even though it's not 
supported by Adobe. I'm also not having any problems with Eclipse on Vista."

Well then why arent you helping solve the issue of this thread and which is 
that other people are having problems and I just agreed and you go crazy but 
you should be helping them solve it.

At least I gave vista a shot, but you'd have better luck trying to convince me 
to not be straight anymore than to use windows and that aint about to ever 

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