> > which returns 10:24.
> > 
> > I need to get the 1:36 now.  
> First off - forget the format.  Format means nothing.
> I would think the easiest thing to do would be to (conceptually) treat 
> every period like it began at exactly midnight.  You can then use the 
> methods described in my first post to create the time (using zero for 
> hours and your retrieved numbers for minutes and seconds).
> So if it's 1024 you'd end up with:
> <cfset myTime = createTime(0, 10, 24)>
> Conceptually we also know that the period ended at 12 minutes after 
> midnight, or:
> <cfset PeriodEnd = createTime(0, 12, 0)>
> You could, of course, use the actual time of the period, but it 
> doesn't really matter - you're after the duration here, not the actual 
> time.
> You can then (has others have suggested) the dataDiff() function to 
> get the difference (presumably in seconds) between the two.  You can 
> then divide the answer by 60 to get minutes (and the remainder - use 
> the modulo operator - would be your seconds).
> I think that would be easiest.  You don't really NEED to create actual 
> time instances however - you can do it all with math:
> First get the total number of seconds:
> <cfset PeriodDuration = 12 x 60>
> Then split the input as I described in my original post:
> <cfset Input = Right("0000" & Input, 4)>
> <cfset MyTime = ( Left(Input, 2) * 60 ) + Right(Input, 2)>
> Personally I think using real times is "better" but that could just be 
> me - doing the simple math might be faster as well.
> Hope this helps,
> Jim 

I think I need to use the math for this.  How do you get the minutes and 
seconds out of a lump sum of seconds?  EX: 130 seconds would be 2 minutes 10 
seconds  What should the code look like to get this?


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