md5 (one way encrypt) Hash pretty much standard way for passwords. I know
alot of people that dont even encrypt passwords any more. The thought is if
they have hacked your database what do they need the password for :)

As for credit cards,customer details and such Usually requires something
around the lines of an (nChiper Key storage box which you would need a
backup in case one breaks) to be PCI compliant.

I have a cheap way I use for my Web Hosting Billing Software.  I have a
Ioncube encoded/encrypted php file that Accepts a value and returns an
encrypted value.  The key for the hash is stored in the file. If my site is
compromised they would have to break ioncube's encryption before they can
decode any database values.   Its just one more step. Ioncube has been
broken before but it takes alot of time and money :)


On 7/18/07, Tom Chiverton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 18 Jul 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Can anyone recommend a good encryption method for sensitive
> > information(login details, etc...) stored in database tables?
> Does simply hashing the value before insert solve your problem ?
> --
> Tom Chiverton
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