Recourse against what?

Once a company gets to the point of intentionally breaking their product 
to make it less useful to their customers, it's a very bad sign.  I have 
no idea why either party would still want to be in  such a business 
relationship unless one is holding the other's data hostage, which is 
what it sounds like is happening.

There may be no legal recourse, but that doesn't make it right.


Randy Johnson wrote:
> I am not sure I agree with your statement. If I choose to make my 
> printer friendly page a graphic instead of a standard html table as long 
> as it still prints fine you would have no recourse. About the only thing 
> you could do is take your business elsewhere. Right?
> -Randy
> Cameron Childress wrote:
>> Does this application contain financial data for the company?  Are they 
>> attempting to get access to their own financial information in order to 
>> put it into QB and run their business?  Your employer wants to prevent 
>> them from doing this?  This raises a ton of ethical and moral 
>> questions.  I know you are not the one making the call here, but 
>> seriously, if a company I was doing business with was ACTIVELY 
>> preventing me from gaining access to my own financial data things could 
>> escalate very quickly.
>> Having said that - if this company is actually doing something that 
>> violates a legal agreement you have with them somehow, simply shutting 
>> off access to the site should fix the problem.  If this is data going 
>> into QB, they much be authenticating to get to it (unless the financial 
>> data is out in the open for all to see).  Just shut them off and resolve it.
>> -Cameron
>> Jason Liebgott wrote:
>>> Just started working on a legacy application built in CF5. It appears that 
>>> one of the users is screen scraping printer friendly HTML output and moving 
>>> the data into quick books in order to avoid paying for the export upgrade.
>>> Ideas I've had to muck up the data to stop the scraper:
>>> 1. random white chars that wouldn't be visible to the user in Printer 
>>> Friendly, but would alter the values enough to make it a pain in quick 
>>> books. Might have issues w/ printing.
>>> 2. random # of empty <TD> cells
>>> 3. convert text to .gif
>>> Has anybody dealt w/ this issue? What did you do?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jason

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