>you'd need the onclick to call a function that triggers tha AJAX call.
>I've found JSMX to be a very nice lightweight library for AJAX, and i
>think it'd work well for you here (you don't need all the bells and
>whistles of a jQuery or YUI or Prototype etc for this specific task).

I am trying to get this to work (as it seems, indeed, very lightweight--perfect 
for my one needed function), but I am not having any success.

Could you look at this and see what I'm doing wrong (bear and mind that I am a 
complete noob when it comes to stuff like this...)

<script src="engine.js"></script>
   function createComment(){
           param1 = 'commenter='+document.getElementById('commenter').value;
           param2 = 'text='+document.getElementById('commentText').value;
           params =  param1 + '&' + param2;
       http( 'POST' , 'xmltest.cfc?method=createComment' , my_response , params 
   function my_response(){ 

<form name="form1">
        <input type="text" name="commenter" value="Joel">
        <input type="text" name="commentText" value="This is not working!">
        <input type="button" name="myButton" onclick="createComment()">

        <cffunction name="createComment" access="remote" returntype="void">
                <cfargument name="commenter" type="string" required="yes">
                <cfargument name="commentText" type="string" required="no">
                <cfset var newComment = "">
                <cfquery datasource="xmlTest">
                        INSERT INTO comments (commenter, text)
                        VALUES (
                <cfreturn newComment>

Whenever I click the button, I continue to get an error message in javascript 
about "uncaught exception: [Exception... "Not enough arguments" nsresult: 

Thanks for your continued help!

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