> >If all your photos will have prices you won't need to left join you 
> can 
> >just join on them.
> >
> >
> >
> >Joel Watson wrote:
> >>
> That's true, but when I combine it with the LEFT OUTER JOIN on the 
> comments, it screws up the comments.  While it will return the prices 
> information fine, it duplicates the comments values for the number of 
> price fields there are.  For  example, each photo currently has 8 
> price values which are being returned.  With the query and output that 
> I currently have, the photos with comments have their comments values 
> returned the number commens * 8.  So if photo1 has 3 comments, it will 
> return 24 values for the comments.  
> I am pasting below the current query that I have, as well as my 
> current output structure.
> Thanks for everyone's help so far---it's almost there!
> <cfquery name="rsPhotoInformation" datasource="#application.dsn#">
> FROM photos
> JOIN prices ON
> photos.photoID = prices.photoID_fk
> photos.photoID = comments.photoID_fk
> WHERE categoryID_fk = <cfqueryparam value="1" 
> cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">
> </cfquery>
> <cfoutput query="rsPhotoInformation" group="photoID">
> #photoTitle# <br />
> <cfoutput group="priceID">
>       #priceValue# <br />
> </cfoutput>
>       <cfoutput>
>           #commenter#
> </cfoutput>
> <br />
> <br />

Sorry to bump this thread...any ideas anyone?

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