It is not possible to produce the graphs in any of the image formats b/c they 
are actual flash charts - not utilizing cfchart.  Cfchart does not support some 
of the charts that I need to produce.

Like I said, I think it is a long shot, but if anyone knows any other work 
around (other than changing the chart type) I would love to hear.


>Produce the graphs in one of the available image formats.
>Any chance there could be some ability to include flash into the pdf?  My
>example is we have a report that has some flash charts....well it would be
>nice to allow that to be printed to PDF and emailed, but the flash will of
>course not print the charts.  
>I think this is kind of a long shot but figured I would throw it out just in
>case anyone knows about any type of workaround.

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