look into railo. apparently, it is much faster.

----- Original Message ----
To: CF-Talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 10:17:49 AM
Subject: CF Performance re: multiple CPUs, Cores, Servers, Virtualization

We're looking at throwing more hardware (both upgrades to existing servers as 
well as new or replacement servers) at our mix of applications to improve 
performance.  I'm looking for insights from personal experiences on a couple of 

Our application mix that needs the performance runs mostly between midnight and 
mid-morning, and is a suite of CF scripts that interact with webservices from 
the major search engines.  Lots of XML parsing and processing with lots of 
database activity to store the data.  Some of the XML files are large, and 
therefore use up a lot of JVM when being processed (since at some point in time 
there needs to be a copy of both the CFHTTP data returned from the webservice 
as well as the structure being created by the xmlParse function).  We have a 
pretty well configured SQL 2000 server, although the production could admitedly 
use some tuning.

These are Windows servers, so we have the inherrent limitation of ~1.8gb 
address space, which boils down to around ~1.4gb available for the CF apps 
running in the JVM.

>From a processor perspective, what are people's experiences on the topic of 
>multiple processors versus dual-core/quad-core processors?  Some of what I've 
>seen with our mix of servers is that the multiple-core processors are not 
>always a big win over multiple processors.  I would still have the limiation 
>on Java/CF memory space.

What about just running a stack of multiple servers?  This helps solve the 
Java/CF memory space problem.  What about just running a stack of multiple 
(cheap) workstations, possibly with dual-core processors, instead of a big 
honking (expensive) server (we'll call this the Google approach)?

What about virtualization?  Any experiences using either Microsoft's software 
or VMware on a server with an instance of CF on each of them?  That also solves 
the memory problem (presuming sufficient physical memory), but would seem to be 
highly sensitive to the number and effectiveness of the processors/cores.  It 
seems like it might have an administrative advantage over simply running 
multiple instances of CF on the same server since I wouldn't have to worry 
about port numbers and such on the same server, because each would be running 
on port 80 on its own IP address within the virtualized server.

Any other alternatives?  I can definitely find additional work for these 
systems to do during the daytime, but the real crunch is to get all of that XML 
data processed by CF during the nighttime before people show up in the morning.


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