Not too sure about this, but have you tried it with GT

maybe also try changing the filed name from date to tripDate - in case it is
a reserved word

On 7/30/07, Mark Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Wondered if someone could advise on this problem I am having.
> I have created a query as shown below...
> <cfset event = QueryNew("date, name, destination", "date, varchar,
> varchar")>
> <cfset newRow = QueryAddRow(event, 2)>
> <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(event, "date", 07/28/2007, 1)>
> <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(event, "name", "trip to zoo", 1)>
> <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(event, "destination", "london", 1)>
> <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(event, "date", 07/31/2007, 2)>
> <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(event, "name", "trip to zoo", 2)>
> <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(event, "destination", "london", 2)>
> I would like to run a query on this query where it finds only the records
> where the date is greater than today.
> I have written the following...
>   <cfquery name="search" dbtype="query">
>    SELECT *
>    FROM event
>    WHERE date > #DateFormat(Now(),"mm/dd/yyyy")#
>   </cfquery>
> However I get an error returned
> "Query Of Queries syntax error.
> Encountered "date. Incorrect conditional expression, Expected one of
> [like|null|between|in|comparison] condition, "
> Does this mean I cannot use this greater than ( > ) clause on a query of
> queries, I have searched for some documentation but couldnt find any. I f
> anyone knows where any could be posted on the web, or a solution to this
> problem that would be great.
> Thank you in advance
> Mark

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