Bump.  j/k =]

On 8/1/07, Sean Corfield wrote:
> > On 8/1/07, James Holmes wrote:
> > > Well, sort of. Enterprises often use SLES, RHEL; versions of Linux
> > > that are not free.
> On 8/1/07, Dinner wrote:
> > Quite different from paying license fees tho, isn't that?  In fact, that's
> > kind of like what I'm talking about.
> I don't remember pricing up RHEL under maintenance but here's
> something I did look at:

Yeah, I get the whole 6 of one argument, but I was thinking more
along the lines of: you don't /have/ to pay for support.  I don't think
jboss or redhat restrict what's available to the general public.  ( I
don't know really, it's been a while since I used stuff besides fedora
or centOS or whatnot.  SuSE, at least when we were paying for it,
was selling support, not the OS itself-  & we payed from the heart ;)

I like the idea of four dudes throwing a bunch of cheap hardware
together and creating some cool thing- why not make it easy to
make things better for everyone?  Give those heads who have
only gumption and know-how a freaking chance- a niche, if you

Of course it's really a dozen of this or a dozen of that in the
end- but one's a baker's dozen! =-P
I don't mean to come across like I know what I'm talking about,
there could be huge factors I'm not considering, etc..
Like I've said before- it's fun to watch it all unfold =]

PS- you still gotta pay for that hardware somehow, and traffic,
so no matter what, "it" costs.  Perhaps in the long view there is
not as much difference as one would think.  Eh.**  Back to CF!

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