There's a lot of plugins available for version control in Eclipse

any major and/or commercial version control system should have a
provider. And if your provider doesn't, you're probably using the
wrong one :)

Basically, you should start by asking your vendor if it's commercial
or googling (or the above link) if your vc system is open source to
find the appropriate Eclipse plugin

On 8/2/07, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I am sure people are using CFEclipse with SVN but has anyone else use
> >any other VC software in conjunction with CFE?
> >
> >Just wondering how well others integrate with CFE.
> >
> >TIA!
> CVS integration is built into Eclipse and totally seamlesst. IMNSHO its a 
> better implementation of CVS than tortiseCVS.
> Otherwise there are plugins for other forms of source control. Subclipse 
> works very well, and there are a couple out there for VSS, but I know very 
> little about them.
> regards,
> larry

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