That is a false statement.

There are reasons not to use it. They come with perils. If the data
being sent to the query does not come from the outside then the only
risk to SQL injection comes from the developers working on the query,
and they have other ways to cause havoc without having to write SQL
injection attacks.

When you use cfqueryparam the statement that gets compiled uses
sp_prepexec. This causes MSSql server to generate the query execution
plan for the query before actually executing the query. This can
actually end up causing the server to run the query 2x. If you have a
very long running query for a report for example that queries millions
of records of data against millions of other records of data etc. and
takes several minutes or hours to execute you do not want that to happen
2x every call. In theory when sp_prepexec generates the execution plan
that is cached and not needed to be created again however on high volume
/ traffic sql servers it is not possible to cache every execution plan
forever. Often long running queries that are executed rarely fall out of
the execution plan cache. This can create a huge performance problem for
a sql server.

I would agree with the statement that you should use cfqueryparam
whenever you can and only not use it when you absolutely have to.

For the cases like I describe above you can write the bind variables
yourself into the query and gain the same benefit without sp_prepexec
being called.


SELECT columnA
FROM    tableb
WHERE   columnC = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype='cf_sql_varchar' maxlength='2'
value='ab' />

Could become

DECLARE @param1 varchar(2)
SET @param1 = 'ab'

SELECT columnA
>From tableb
WHERE columnC = @param1

-----Original Message-----
From: Dawson, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 11:18 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Is cfqueryparam worth it?

As many others have said, there is never a reason NOT to use

You can still use your trick and cfqueryparam doesn't have to bomb:

<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#val(url.userid)#"> 


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Mueller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 12:01 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Is cfqueryparam worth it?

I'm trying to determine if cfqueryparam is really worth using.  

For data validation, we tend to do something like this:

SELECT username
FROM user
where userID = #int(URL.userID)#

the nice thing about this is that if "URL.userID" isn't an integer,
int() returns 0, and the query executes and simply returns no records.
For us, this is a far preferable method than what cfqueryparam would do,
which is to bomb before executing the query.

Then today I discovered that cfqueryparam supports bind variables, which
theoretically will improve database performance.  So now the question
is:  how much does it improve performance?  Am I really going to notice
it?  Should I really switch my queries over to something like this:

SELECT username
FROM user
where userID = <cfqueryparam CFSQLType="CF_SQL_INTEGER"

Any advice is appreciated.


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