We often create a folder in our application root that contains all
components used for the application. We then create a mapping to that folder
so that we can invoke components from anywhere within the application.

Not happy with this approach (prefer an application that just works when it
moves server), I just wrote this little function that you can add to
application.cfm that will let you invoke a component method from anywhere in
the application.

Has this been done before? Any thoughts? Anyways, here it is:

<cffunction name="GetComponent" returntype="any" hint="Returns the results
of a given CFC method call">

<cfargument name="name" type="string" required="true" hint="Name of the
component" />
<cfargument name="method" type="string" required="false" default="init"
hint="The name of the component method to invoke">
<cfargument name="args" type="struct" required="false" default=
"#StructNew()#" hint="Structure containing invoke method arguments">
<cfargument name="componentsFolder" type="string" required="false"
hint="Folder in root directory in which your components are stored">

  <cfinvoke component="#arguments.componentsFolder#.#arguments.name#"
method="#arguments.method#" returnvariable="returnValue">

<cfloop list="#StructKeyList(arguments.args)#" index="thisArg">

  <cfinvokeargument name="#thisArg#" value="#arguments.args[thisArg]#">



 <cfreturn returnValue>

Example call:

<cfset o_myObject = GetComponent("myCFC")>

This example assumes the component, myCFC, has an init method which takes no

Blog it up: http://blog.dominicwatson.co.uk

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