IIRC, you can return false in the JS call to fix this problem.  But 
that's a vague memory from years ago.

--Ben Doom

Robert Harrison wrote:
> I'm building a link generator tool that creates links to data driven
> glossaries.  The theory is the user can cut and paste the link into either
> static text on the site, or into text areas on forms to update the data
> base. I can handle the quotes, but the #'s are giving me a fit.
> I can output a link like: 
> <a href="#"
> onclick="openPopUp('http://mysite.com/glossary.cfm?glossary=3&term=156',
> 'glossary', '410', '300', '110', '35')">
> This works fine when it's going into HTML text, but when it's going into a
> cf form, the # throws off Cold Fusion. If I use a breaking ##, that work for
> cf handling, but isn't right for HTML text.
> So I thought I'd try, 
> <a href="javascript:
> openPopUp('http://mysite.com/glossary.cfm?glossary=3&term=156', 'glossary',
> '410', '300', '110', '35)">
> That works for cut and paste in both CF and HTML text, but it moves the
> current page to [Object]. 
> Is there something I can add to the last statement to make the href execute
> the openPopUp but leave the current page alone; or is there another option?
> Thanks
> Robert B. Harrison
> Director of Interactive services
> Austin & Williams
> 125 Kennedy Drive, Suite 100 Hauppauge NY 11788
> T : 631.231.6600 Ext. 119 
> F : 631.434.7022
> www.austin-williams.com
> Great advertising can't be either/or... It must be &.

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