Installed.... Saw the Adobe technote on installing it too. Seems to work.
Now I am trying to match the encryption results to my expected results. They
are different. I am guessing it a matter of getting apples to apples at this
time and it probably has to do with key length or something... Cast5 is
variable key up to 128bit encryption. and the tird party app maker needs
straight 128.

Thanks for your suggestions


On 8/23/07, Tom Donovan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Bouncy Castle encryption provider at:
> includes CAST5 and works fine with CF7 or CF8.  You want the signed
> bcprov*.jar which goes with your version of Java.
> You will also need to get the "Unlimited Encryption Strength
> Jurisdiction Policy" files from the Sun download page at:
>    or
> (depending on your Java version).
> The TechNote at explains how to
> install and use both the provider and the jurisdiction files with CF.
> If you're decrypting something encrypted by other (non-CF) software, you
> will probably want to read all the TechNote details about feedback
> modes, padding, IV and Salt.
> You'll also need the 128-bit key in Base64.  If you have the key in hex,
> you can convert it with:
> <cfset b64Key = ToBase64(BinaryDecode(hexKey, "hex")) >
> -tom-
> J W wrote:
> > I have a project that I have been handed that needs a piece encrypted in
> > CAST128 (Cast5). Has anyone here worked with that encryption method? If
> so
> > what is the best way to integrate that into Coldfusion.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Jeff

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