Very possible... I was just going by what the Railo site states
at the bottom of their "Comparison" page.  It states that "CFML
and CFML standard" refers to ... well ... even as I wrote this I paused
to verify my info... now it says those terms refer to CF 7 from Adobe.

I'm sure that said 6.1 yesterday, because I specifically looked for that
Oh, I see what it is... when you click on the documentation page it refers
CF 7 at the bottom; but when you click on the "Compatibility" link on the
documentation page you get a statement at the bottom that references Adobe's
CF 6.1,
while at the top of the "Compatibility" page, it states it adheres to CF 7
as well as possible. If I had just launched a new version,
I would definitely get that updated.

Oh, well... it's still a version behind according to their statement.
And it would almost have to be that way since they have to wait for Adobe's
latest product to see what features it has before they can catch up.

But this brand-new release just puts them up to CF 7, and for the number
of sites I host, that version would still cost more for me than Adobe's CF

As Mary Jo pointed out, I may not be their target customer, but they've
to sell me on their product directly before and I just can't see paying
more for less... paying less for less, we'll that's a different story and
way it should be to me.  I'd have to modify the way I code somewhat and,
more importantly, give up my cfx tags...

And, David, I definitely want to be fair in my arguments, which I think I am
concerning their "price vs features" position...


-----Original Message-----
From: David Low [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 5:24 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Railo 2 Released

That's not true about the 6.1 compatibility.

The new version has basically been benchmarked against CF 7.02, which 
was the current version when the bulk of Railo 2 was developed.  Some 
features have been extended or improved beyond the CF 7 spec.

This final release also adds some features added in CF 8...

NB: I don't work for Railo, just interested in a fair argument! :-)

Rick Faircloth wrote:
> If they cut the price by about 50%, I might be interested.
> I just can't see paying "at least" for Railo Pro, which only
> compares to CFML 6.1, for what I would pay for the full pro
> version of CF 8 from Adobe... the original.
> Say, I'd be paying at least as much, if not more considering the
> number of websites I host, for a CFML engine two versions out of date,
> and forfeiting may of the features of CF 8 from Adobe.
> I don't understand why anyone would go this route.  Again, if the
> price were considerably less that CF 8 from Adobe, then maybe I could
> see going this way...
> Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Low [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 5:51 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Railo 2 Released
> Railo released their 2.0 edition today.  I've been testing stuff against 
> the release candidates for a few months now and love it...

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