this still seems like a whole bunch of work for something that can be done
very easily in SQL Server.  I could have this pkg set up in less than 20
minutes, and I bet it would be 10X faster than your CF.

the only reason I see to not use the "right tool" for this job is if there
were some issue with database access, like the user was on  limited-access
shared hosting account or something.

On 8/24/07, Scott Weikert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh and something I forgot - you'll need to accomodate rows like you
> mentioned in your example, where what should be the first or last list
> positions are empty as well. Something like
> <cfif left(string, 1) IS ",">
>     <cfset string = ' ' & string>
> </cfif>
> so as to put something (even just a space) in there.

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