
I'm in the fortunate position of being part of both the Ext and jQuery 
project teams. First, let me say that jQuery is in no way a "Hyundai 
Excel". A better analogy would be to day that its like comparing a 
"Ferrari (jQuery) to a Mercedes-Benz CL 600 (Ext)". Both provide a 
tremendous amount of functionality and both target different audiences.

jQuery is a very streamlined library which is best suited for 
consumer-facing websites that want to enhance the UX with Ajax & 
effects. Its fast and sporty and helps you get what you need quickly; 
just like a Ferrari.

Ext can certainly be used for consumer-facing websites but what we've 
seen is that most users, because of its rich UI control set, tend to use 
it to build full blown desktop-like applications. Its got speed and a 
hole lotta bells and whistles which make building desktop-like apps a 
breeze. If you want high-end luxury and performance, like a 
Mercedes-Benz CL 600, then you use Ext v1.1.

So what I ask is that you not be so quick to dismiss jQuery especially 
since companies Digg, MSNBC, Intel, Intuit, & (HUGE ERP) 
seem to be doing quite well with it.

If you ask me which one I prefer, I would tell you that for consumer 
facing sites, I prefer the leanness of jQuery but for a true desktop 
experience, I prefer Ext. And yes, I work with both libraries and love 
them both. Both libraries are incredibly robust and cater to different 

On a final note, you really should ease up on calling someone "stupid". 
While you may not agree with someone else's opinion (and you're 
certainly not expected to), I think your last post was a little over the 


Andrew Scott wrote:
> And thats nothing compared to a extJS web application I have written.
> You have to realise that these files do things that are more than what
> jQuery offer, extJS is a fairly good framework and can be used with jQuery
> but once you start building JS / Ajx stuff for an application then you will
> be surprised how quickly these files add up.
> I think you should take your head out of the sand, before you get blinded by
> your own stupidty.
> Seriously. Why are you bothering, you obviously haven't done anything
> serious with Ajax / GUI development as of yet. If you had this sort of
> comment from you would not have appeared.
> Now to make a comparison against CF8 and jQuery is like making a comparison
> with a Hyundai Excel and a Jaguar.....
> Btw I might pick myself of the floor from laughing so hard at you in about 1
> week, but it might actually be 3 weeks before I get over this stupid email
> from you.
> On 8/29/07, stylo stylo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Here's the breakdown if interested, btw, just realized the web developer
>> toolbar brings it all up nicely:
>> Scripts (8 files)
>>     76 KB
>>   34 KB
>>       28
>> KB
>>       15
>> KB
>>    15
>> KB
>>   10
>> KB
>>    10
>> KB
>> 9 KB
>> Style Sheets (1 file)   61 KB
>> 61 KB

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