This is a known issue with IIS on Win (as opposed to IIS anywhere else.  :-)

Basically, .com is an executable extension in Win/DOS.  The system 
therefore looks for the .com file, instead of a directory.

I'd suggest using _com instead.  Not a perfect solution, but....

--Ben Doom

Adrian Lynch wrote:
> It seems .com won't work but will... So, the next question is, how can 
> I get IIS to not freak at .com?
> And apparently the anwser is I can't on IIS5!
> This leads to an MS KB article. If anyone knows any different please let me 
> know.
> Adrian
>> Hey all, got a bit of a weird one here.
>> Running the following, CF8 on Win2K Server with IIS.
>> Creating a new dir with a period/full stop and an index.cfm file causes a
>> 403 when accessing the file.
>> Running  the following will highlight this:
>> <!--- works --->
>> <!--- <cfset folderName = "testcom"> --->
>> <!--- doesn't work --->
>> <cfset folderName = "">
>> <cfdirectory action="CREATE" directory="#ExpandPath('.')#\#folderName#">
>> <cfdirectory action="CREATE" directory="#ExpandPath('.')#\#folderName#\css">
>> <cffile action="write" file="#ExpandPath('.')#\#folderName#\index.cfm"
>> output="<p>#folderName#</p>">
>> <cfoutput>
>> <a href="#folderName#">New folder</a>
>> </cfoutput>
>> Just run it at home on CF7 with Apache and CF8 on the built in CF server on
>> Win XP Pro and it works.
>> Any ideas about why this won't work? Is it an IIS problem maybe? I'm stumped
>> and I'm still searching the google machine!
>> Adrian 

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