Yes, you could use CFtransaction for this type of isolation, but this can also 
cause problems that you wouldn't see with cflock. Cftransaction 
isoloation='serializabile' for example will give you an exclusive lock to all 
tables within the transaction (most restrictive level of isloation). Depending 
on what you're doing, this can be desirable or problematic as this can easily 
cause database deadlocks which are almost always highly frustrating to the end 
user, and are usually equally frustrating to debug. Cflock will not (directly) 
cause database deadlocks, but can be problematic if you have a large number of 
requests that are going to be using the cflock'ed code as a lock will wait 
(until timeout) for the locked resource to be released. 

So potential database lock error vs potential cflock timeout error - the choice 
is yours. :)

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