This is a BIG question.

Since your trying to use localhost ( as your mail server you 
need to make sure you really have a SMTP server running at that IP 
address and identify which port it is listening on.  This is normally 
port 25.

Does the cfadmin 'Verify mail server Connection' show the connection to 
the mail server is valid?

If there is a valid SMPT server and if verifies in CF Admin then I'm 
guessing you have to work on your mail server configuration.  Since a 
basic cfmail tag with the very basic required attributes 
(to,from,subject, message) usually will not fail unless the mail server 
is not allowing email for some reason.  One reason could be 
authentication is required (as it should be) you may need to use an 
username and password.

This should get you started on the path to getting this working.


Wil Genovese

One man with courage makes a majority.
-Andrew Jackson

A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well. 

Dave Francis wrote:
> CF5.0, on Win 2k server. IIS.
> I recently switched my mail server in cf admin to (Previously, it
> was a dedicated mail server, also referenced via IP). Since then I am
> getting many
> smtp;504 <pcname>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname 
> when I send using CFMAIL. What do I need to configure here,  and of course,
> how?
> Many thanks,
> Dave

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