Interesting. I might trying using the timeout before resorting to the nested

-----Original Message-----
From: Wil Genovese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 12:46 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFQuery wrapper tag to help with poor connections to sql..

Also remember the timeout attribute for cfquery.  It accepts integers as

<cfquery name="users" datasource="#myDSN#" timeout="2">
        SELECT user_id FROM users

Wil Genovese

One man with courage makes a majority.
-Andrew Jackson

A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well. 

Rich wrote:
>> I have an app that has to use a connection that sees a few seconds of 
>> disconnectivity from its SQL server occasionaly.
> Dan,
> You can nest CFTRY's to accomplish this.
> Something like:
> <cftry>
>       <cfquery name="users" datasource="#myDSN#">
>               SELECT user_id FROM users
>       </cfquery>
>       <cfcatch type="database">
>               <!--- 
>                 This could be our timeout issue, 
>                 sleep for 2 seconds and try again
>               --->
>               <cfset thisThread = CreateObject("java", "java.lang.Thread")
>               <cfset thisThread.sleep(2000) />
>               <cftry>
>                       <cfquery name="users" datasource="#myDSN#">
>                               SELECT user_id FROM users
>                       </cfquery>
>                       <cfcatch type="any">
>                               <!--- 
>                                 Rethrow the error as we cannot recover
>                               --->
>                               <cfrethrow /> 
>                       </cfcatch>
>               </cftry>
>       </cfcatch>
> </cftry>
> HTH,
> Rich

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