Um Christopher,  please remember while you are working on that laptop,
that you might be logged in as me when you go to House Of Fusion
(among other web sites).

Secondly, I've heard about this issue before, but have never experienced the
the problem.  That's not to say that it doesn't exist; just that I
have never personally experienced it - even on sites under heavy load.

So.... don't panic. There's no need to test a bunch of <cfif>s unnecessarily.

Now - stop and make yourself another login on that laptop, please...

Michael David                          

Tuesday, September 18, 2007, 2:18:16 PM, you wrote:

> WOW - I hav enever heard of this.  I use CFSWITCH to test strings all the 
> time.
> Should I back through all my sites and and convert those to a bunch of CFIFs?
> Messy...


>>For those who hadn't ever heard-- cfswitch attempted to parse all values
>>as an integer.  If that failed, it threw an internal error which was
>>caught and then it proceeded to processes the values as a string.  Turns
>>ou, all that internal throwing and catching was very pricy under extreme
>>load making cfswitch only useful for integers.  


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