>3 tables
>Profile table
>profile_hobby table
>Hobby Table
>The Profile table would have as many rows in it as you have customers
>The profile_hobby table would have: 1 row per hobby selected in each 
>The Hobby table would have 20 rows in it.
>Hope this helps,
>-----Original Message----
>-Date: Sep 18, 2007 12:37 
>-To: "CF-Talk"<cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
>-Subj: Re: One more database question - sorry!
>->you can create a middle table between the two that has 1 profile 
>->and 1 hobby key per row.  Each profile could have multiple 
>->This would keep you away from the 'dreaded' comma dilimited list in 
>->table cell.
>->-----Original Message----
>->-Date: Sep 18, 2007 12:19 
>->-To: "CF-Talk"<cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
>->-Subj: One more database question - sorry!
>->-Actually, I have one more database question.  I have a section on 
>->profile-collection form that is a series of radio buttons for 
>->hobbies/interests.  What would be the best way to manage/store 
>->-My initial thought was to create a table with a row for every 
>->hobby/interest item.  Then, on the profile table, I was thinking of 
>->having a column that would collect a list of comma delimited values 
>->from the form, from 1 to the number of the hobby/interest items.  
>->list would basically match up, sequentially, to the key values of 
>->hobby/interest table.
>->-Is there a better way to go about this?
>->-Thanks to everyone for input!
>-So let's say that my form has 20 hobbies/interests.  I would be 
>creating 20 entries in this middle table, correct?  Is this going to 
>create a problem if I have hundreds of users? 

Ah, i see now.  Being "list-minded", I was assuming that non-selected hobbies 
would be entered into the mediator table...but obviously that would not be 
necessary.  Thanks for explaining this for me---i really appreciate it! 

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