Hi folks -

I've got a small issue with my project. By 'small' I mean, it's a bit 
annoying, and nothing major, doesn't affect performance, it just BUGS ME 
and I'd like to figure a way to get around it in a better way.

So we've got our site on a domain (let's call it 'domain.com') and our 
application allows clients to create their own sites, giving them an 
alphanumeric name, that allows their site to be accessed, via 
'domain.com/sitename/'. A folder is created in the file system in the 
main web directory, so say 'domain.com' points to the stereotypical IIS 
'htdocs' folder, a folder 'sitename' is created inside 'htdocs'.

When a client deletes one of these sites, I've got code in that deletes 
that 'sitename' folder. No problem til now.

If that site has been around for a bit, then the web crawlers have found 
it. And after the folder is gone, the web crawlers are now hitting a 
non-existant page in a non-existant folder.

I've tried re-creating these folders (when I see enough entries in the 
error logs for a given deleted folder), dropping an index.cfm page in 
with various meta tags in to say "SHOO ROBOTS", but most of them ignore 
the instructions listed on their own sites. That's a whole 'nother issue.

What I'd like to do is automate this a bit more - to be able to not 
create these folders from the get-go, but interecept traffic that points 
at 'domain.com/somefolder' where 'somefolder' doesn't exist - and push 
it to a script that will go 'oh they're looking for the 'somefolder' 
site' and do its bit to serve up the pages (which reside elsewhere) if 
the site is still present, or serve up a 'this site doesn't exist' with 
anti-robot meta tags if not. This way, no folder would need to be 
created or deleted, and I wouldn't have to go robot-swatting when sites 
are deleted.

Is this something that can be done with CF, or is it more of an IIS 
thing? Regardless, any pointers in the right direction would be greatly 

Thanks -

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