So, I admittedly haven't used cffile that much in the past-just here and
there.  I was fiddling with something today and came to a startling
revelation (which I'm sure most of you already know):

You can't use the nameconflict attribute with action="copy".  Well you
can-it's simply ignored.  I was like, "WTF, over?"

I made my usual assumption that there is a REALLY good reason and I just
didn't know what it was-- so I Googled for a while hoping to uncover
this eye-opening gem of truth.


Yeah, nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  Oh, there's a Livedocs comment here
and there where someone mentions it, and SEVERAL code examples where
people illegally tried to use nameconflict with action="copy", but
nowhere did I find any explanation of WHY copying files always
overwrites destination files of the same name.


The benefit of being able to control name conflicts when copying files
seems so obvious.  I mean, how dare CF assume I wish to always overwrite
when copying?  :-)  And then they tease me by having a nameconflict
attribute which only works for upload.  

Yes, yes, I am familiar with fileexists() and all that, but I use CF to
make things easier not harder. 

What's worse, is no error is thrown when you try to use nameconflict
with action="copy".  Have you ever accidentally typed something like:

<cfloop collection="#url#" item="i" index="j"></cfloop>

Whoa, big error message in your face.  But no-not with cffile.  It just
silently ignores the nameconflict attribute leading you to believe its
being used.


So please fill me in. Is there some underlying reason why copy always
overwrites, or have enough people simply not requested the enhancement?



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