I'll explain this the best I can.  I am experimenting with the cf8 cfmenu and 
cfmenuitem tags.  I use two tables in a database, one for menus and the other 
menu items.  Each menu item has 3 key fields, menuID, itemID, and parentID.  
Obviously menuID is which menu the item belongs, itemID is just a unique 
indentifier for the specific item, and parentId is optional. The parentID field 
would hold the itemID of an item that the specific item belongs to.  So think 
family tree. Ex:  Grandpa(top level menu items) has son and daughter (menu 
items in the grandpa menuitem), daughter has two childer, child1 and child2 
(menu items under daughter).

  >Son  (menuid = grandpa, and parentid is empty)
  >Daughter  (menuid = grandpa, and parentid is empty)
     >Child1 (parentid = Daughter)
     >Child2 (parentid = Daughter)

I use two functions in a cfc to build the navigation, buildNavBar and buildMenu.

This is how it is suppose to work.

The buildNavBar function queries the database for the main menus.  It outputs 
the cfmenu tag, and the starts looping through the main menus record set and 
outputs the opening cfmenuitem tag for the menu.  After the cfmenuitem tag I 
invoke the buildMenu function to build the specific menu. After the invoke I 
close the cfmenuitem tag.  And after the loop the menu is closed (/cfmen).

The buildMenu function essentially performs the same way.  It has two 
arguments, mid and iid, mid for menuid and iid for item id.  The query that is 
run can run two different ways.   If no itemID is passed to the function.  I 
query the menu items table for all items that have the menu id as their menu id 
along with an empty parent id (would grab the Son and Daughter values in the 
example above).  If the result returned has a record count I start looping 
through it.   I output the opening menu item tag, then self-call the buildMenu 
function passing the menu id and the item id of the current item.  I then close 
the cfmenuitem tag.   This function would keep calling itself to find any 
children for a specific item and keep going down until it finds no more 
children items.  

As I said that is how it is suppose to work, how ever that is not what is 
happening.  I receive a "cfmenuitem must have parent cfmenu or cfmenuitem tag." 
error.  If I modify the functions to build a string, dump the string to the 
screen, copy and create a new cfm page with the code in string, the menu is 
build correct.  If I comment out the call to the buildMenu function in the 
buildNavBar function, the main menu items are build fine and the menu displays. 

The error occurs in the call to the buildMenu function from the buildNavBar 

The two functions are below.   Any help/a direction to go would be greatly 

<cffunction name="buildNavBar" access="public" returntype="void" output="yes">
                <cfinvoke component="components.queries" method="getMainMenus" 
                <cfmenu name="navbar" type="horizontal" 
                        <cfoutput query="mainmenus">
                                <cfmenuitem display="#mainmenus.menu_title#">
component="components.functions" method="buildMenu">
                                                <cfinvokeargument name="menuid" 
        <!--- Build Menu --->
        <cffunction name="buildMenu" access="public" output="yes" 
                <cfargument name="mid" type="string" required="yes">
                <cfargument name="iid" type="string" required="no" default="">
                <!--- Call get menu items function --->
                <cfinvoke component="components.queries" method="getItems" 
                        <cfinvokeargument name="mid" value="#arguments.mid#">
                        <cfif trim(arguments.iid) is not "">
                                <cfinvokeargument name="iid" 
                <cfif items.RecordCount gt 0> 
                        <cfoutput query="items">
                                <cfmenuitem display="#items.text#">
component="components.functions" method="buildMenu">
                                                <cfinvokeargument name="mid" 
                                                <cfinvokeargument name="iid" 

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