First off, there is no point in grouping your sql query by all the fields.
This does nothing, and remember that there is a very big difference when you
use grouping in sql then when you use grouping in cold fusion. I'll let you
look into the sql group, but here is how i would use a cold fusion grouping
to get the display you want:

<CFQUERY NAME="getmodels" DATASOURCE="#dsn#">
SELECT  ANCAPID, model,  make
FROM    ANCAPCrashTests
ORDER BY Make, model, ancapid

<cfoutput query="getmodels" group="make">
                #model# - #ancapid#


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Michael Kear
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 7:37 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFLOOP has me stumped again.

I'm sorry if this is a very elementary CFLOOP question, but perhaps I've
been looking at this one so long now I can't see the wood for the trees so
to speak.

I have a query that gives me Make, Model and ID of a range of cars.  I
want to display them on the page as follows:

make1   model 1-1
        model 1-2
        model 1-3
        model 1-4

make2   model 2-1
        model 2-2
        model 2-3

make3   model 3-1
        model 3-2


In other words grouped by the car manufacturer, with each manufacturer's
models in sequence.

My SQL query is:

<CFQUERY NAME="getmodels" DATASOURCE="#dsn#">
SELECT  ANCAPID, model,  make
FROM    ANCAPCrashTests
GROUP BY ancapid,  model, make
ORDER BY Make, model, ancapid

So I believe the way I display the data is using CFLOOP but I'm dashed if
I can work out what I have to do with CFLOOP to give me the result I need.

Anyone? please?

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Australian Consumers Assoc

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