i will only ever be going 2-3 levels deep at this stage.

>I'm not sure how many levels of recursion your trying to do, but with CF 
>there is a limit to recursion.  This little factorial function will show 
>you that limit in a hurry if you put in a large enough value.
><cffunction name="factorial" access="public" returntype="numeric" 
>    <cfargument name="end_value" required="Yes" type="numeric">
>    <cfif end_value lte 1>
>        <cfreturn 1>
>    <cfelse>
>        Calling myself with #arguments.end_value-1#<br>
>        <cfreturn end_value * Factorial(arguments.end_value-1)>
>    </cfif>
>Wil Genovese
>One man with courage makes a majority.
>-Andrew Jackson
>A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well. 
>Mike | NZSolutions Ltd wrote:

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