i'm sure it is

On 9/21/07, erik  tsomik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I found this script on the internet. So i wondering if it possible to 
> integrate this script into 1 I alredy have . I mean when session does not 
> exist show progress bar and then redirect
> "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd";>
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>Test page</title>
> <style>
> * { font-family: "Arial", sans-serif; }
> #wrap { margin-top: 50px;text-align: center; }
> #barwrap {
> position: relative; /* to contain outer */
> margin: 0 auto; /* to centre */
> width: 250px;height: 20px; /* size of our bar - required */
> text-align: left;
> font-weight: bold;
> border: 1px solid black;
> }
> #barwrap P { /* to contain text */
> margin: 0; /* FF needs this or text drops below bar */
> width: 250px; /* use this node to position text */
> text-align: center;
> }
> #barwrap #outer { /* bar 'background' */
> position: absolute;
> width: 100%; height: 100%; /* match parent size */
> background: lightgreen;
> color: green; /* original colour of text */
> }
> #barwrap #inner {
> position: relative; /* otherwise outer hides us */
> width: 0; height: 100%; /* match parent */
> overflow: hidden; /* to hide new text/prevent it wrapping */
> background: green;
> color: lightgreen; /* colour of changed text */
> }
> </style>
> <script>
> var time = 10000; // 10 secs
> var steps = 50; // Five per second
> var step = 1;
> function progress() {
> var bar = document.getElementById( "barwrap");
> var aStep = (bar.offsetWidth -2) /steps;// 2px border removed from width
> var x = Math.round( aStep *step);
> var outer = document.getElementById( "outer");
> var inner = document.getElementById( "inner");
> // Work out seconds based on % progress from current step
> var secs = (( time /1000) -Math.floor( ( step /steps) *10));
> inner.style.width = x +"px";
> step++;
> // If 0 seconds, display waiting message instead
> outer.firstChild.innerHTML = ( secs? secs +" seconds...": "Please Wait...");
> // Match text
> inner.firstChild.innerHTML = outer.firstChild.innerHTML;
> if( step > steps) redir();
> else setTimeout( "progress();", time /steps);
> }
> function redir() {
> alert( "Redirecting now!");
> }
> </script>
> </head>
> <body>
> <div id='wrap'>
> progress:
> <div id='barwrap'> <!-- P wrappers for text positioning -->
> <div id='outer'><p></p></div> <!-- original colour/text -->
> <div id='inner'><p></p></div> <!-- new colour/text -->
> </div>
> <br>
> <a href='#' onClick='progress();'>Click here to start bar (only once please, 
> you'll break it)</a>
> </div>
> </body>
> </html>
> > the cflocation will preclude any client side code (HTML or JS) from
> > displaying.
> >
> > use a JavaScript redirect.
> >
> > <cfif NOT structKeyExists(session, 'appfee')>
> > <script type="text/javascript">
> > alert('your session has expired');
> > <cfoutput>location.href="http://olympus.scs.jhu.edu/#session.
> > URL#/admissions/";</cfoutput>
> > </script>
> > <cfabort />
> > </cfif>
> >
> > On 9/21/07, erik  tsomik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I am trying to show the alert saying that the session is expired and
> > redirect then to home page. I got this working except I do not see the
> > alert
> > >
> > >       <cfif not isDefined("session.appfee")>
> > >
> > >         <script type="text/javascript" runat="server">
> > >      alert ('your session has expired');
> > >
> > > <cflocation url="http://olympus.scs.jhu.edu/#session.
> > url#/admissions/" addtoken="no">
> > > </script>
> > > <cfabort>
> > >         </cfif>
> > >
> > >

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