I guess a bit of both - I know what I need to but have been struggling with
what to do to get it working.

Perhaps what I have asked is a bit over the top - if it is I apologise - if
necessary if its more than a 5-10 min fix solution to agree a small
consulting fee to get pointer to the right answer.

On 9/23/07, Adkins, Randy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are you having a problem or just don't know how to do the task?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Tanswell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 9:55 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: urgent help required - using a users selection to select
> specific data
> >
> > Hi there
> >
> > I'm really stuck on this issue - have been trying to work it out for
> > several hours so would really appreciate some input as to what I need
> to do.
> >
> > I have displayed on screen an option where a user can select a month
> > of a year to select specific data.
> >
> >
> > <table>
> > <form action="avgHours.cfm" method="post" name="form1">
> >    <tr class="printhide">
> >       <td align="center">
> >          <b>Graph Comparison Month</b>
> >         <select name="timedate_period"
> onChange="document.form1.submit()">
> >         <cfloop query="CHECK_Periods">
> >                <option value="#timedate_id#" <cfif
> > form.timedate_period eq
> Check_Periods.timedate_id>selected</cfif>>#dateformat(dateend, "mmmm
> yyyy")#
> >         </cfloop>
> >         </select>
> >          <input type="submit" value="Generate Report"
> >
> style="font-weight:bold;color:dodgerblue;background-color:white;border:n
> one;">
> >      </td>
> >      </tr>
> >      <tr class="printhide"><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
> > </form>
> > </table>
> <cfloop query="people">
>    <cfset col_count = col_count + 1>
>    <!--- get people query --->
>    <cfquery name="getpeopleData" datasource="#application.vds#">
>     SELECT  (peopleSummaryBilledDays*#billable_hoursperday#) +
> peopleSummaryBilledHours AS peopleSummaryBilledHours,
>        people_FirstName,
>        people_LastName
>     FROM  dbo.peopleSummary AS ps
>     INNER JOIN dbo.People AS p ON p.people_Id =
> ps.peopleSummary_peopleId
>     WHERE  peopleSummaryPeriod = #thisperiod#
>     AND   people_id = #people_id#
>     ORDER BY  people_LastName
>    </cfquery>
>    <td>
>                    <!--- Display the hours for each person for each
> month -
> if no hours then -   --->
>                    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
>                        <tr align="right">
>       <td style="border-bottom:1 aqua solid">
>        <cfif IsNumeric(getPeopleData.peopleSummaryBilledHours)>
>         #getPeopleData.peopleSummaryBilledHours#
>         <cfset hrstot[col_count] = hrstot[col_count] +
> getPeopleData.peopleSummaryBilledHours>
>         <cfset coltot1[col_count] = coltot1[col_count] + 1>
>         <cfset hrs = hrs + getPeopleData.peopleSummaryBilledHours>
>         <cfif whatmonth eq thisperiod>
>          <cfset comparehrs[col_count] =
> getPeopleData.peopleSummaryBilledHours>
>         </cfif>
>        <cfelse>
>         -&nbsp;
>        </cfif>
>       </td>
>      </tr>
>     </table>
>    </td>
>   </cfloop>
> Basically what I have - I have a table being displayed on the screen a
> bit like the following:
> Year          2006
> Select Month   Aug
> People            Albert            Brown            Craig
> Totals
> Hrs July             20                  30
> 40                90
> Hrs Aug             10                  20                 20
> 50
> Total                  30                 50
> 60               140
> Avg                    15                 25
> 30               70
> What I would like to do is let the user select a month - and when they
> do this highlight on the table the month which they have selected.
> Its probably simply but I am really struggling with this.
> I need to try and complete this in the next 6-10 hours so any feedback
> and info would be really appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Toby

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