>AND (Active = 1) and category in
>(SELECT category
><cfif categories is not "">where Category in ('0'
> <cfloop
>list="#categories#" index="x">
> ,'#x#'

Why the subquery?  Just use IN with cfqueryparam list="true"

SELECT LEFT(PublicationYear, 4) AS [Year], COUNT(PBID) AS BookCount   
FROM  dbo.PsycBOOKS               
WHERE IsNumeric(PublicationYear) = 1                           
AND   Active = 1   
<cfif categories is not "">                                         
AND  Category IN         
<!--- .. or use listAppend(categories, "0") --->
<cfqueryparam value="#categories#" list="true" cfsqltype="...">         
GROUP BY LEFT(PublicationYear, 4)   
ORDER BY [Year] desc 

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