You seem to be very interested in regular expressions and text 
processing.  CF-RegEx is a low-volume list with a bunch of guys with 
heads full of expertise and nothing to do.  Operators are standing by!

In the meantime, if you need to match the same char 3 times:
Or the same 3 chars repeated:

Is that what you were asking?

--Ben Doom

Kenny Kinds wrote:
> One more question for you. Initially I stated that I was looking for double 
> characters when i actually i need to search for 3 characters in a row. 
> Everything i've tried doesn't give me the correct results.
> Any ideas.
>> Little do you know, that code lets me exploit holes in your server's 
>> ozone with my nuclear bit bucket.  Bwah, hahahahahah!
>> --Ben Doom
>> Kenny Kinds wrote:
>>> You guys are awesome!
>>> Thanks alot.
>>> Doom, you're not as bad as the comics make you out to be. 

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