Hi Paul can you give me the url for a couple images you are having problems
with so I can try on my end?



On 9/28/07, Paul Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> gary gilbert wrote:
> > Hi Paul I had similar problems and blogged about it here:
> >
> http://www.garyrgilbert.com/blog/index.cfm/2007/8/8/CFIMAGE-Part-4-Remote-Images
> thanks, i'll have a read now.
> > The problem seems to be only with large images, smaller ones I didn't
> give
> > me a problem.  If you try to pull a smaller image from flickr they tend
> to
> no, i get this issue w/130kb as well as 2mb+ images on that site. in fact
> the
> image that's throwing the 500 error is the smallest one i tested. i've had
> no
> problems w/some fairly huge images (1944 x 2592) from a couple of nikons
> both
> local & "remote" (same server but grabbed from URL).
> > I tried to read the image from the url write it to disk and then read
> the
> > image back from disk but you end up losing the exif data when you do
> that
> yup, i'm storing images in BLOBs for use w/flex so i need to save all the
> data i can. that's why i'm trying to develop some intelligence about what
> to
> expect from each major camera model. also curious about datetime formats
> across
> camera models.
> > I used <cfhttp method="get"
> > url="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/97/232021390_ad47422845_o.jpg
> > " path="c:\"/>  Which got the image and wrote it to disk with the
> original
> yes i tried that (as well as simply copying, "save image as" in FF) but
> still
> ran into problems reading the EXIF for many files.
> thanks.
> ps: any idea about creating thumbnails from BLOBs then back to BLOBs? i
> keep
> getting errors about cfimage not knowing the image type (ie no file, so
> type).

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