> Thanks. I'm new to unit testing in general, so sorry if this is a dumb
> question :) .. I think I understand the concept of DBUnit, but I can't
> visualize where it fits into picture. Are DBUnit tests something separate,
> written in java, or do they somehow tie into my CFUnit/CFCUnit tests? Can
> you give me a high-level description of how it hooks into the process?
> Janet

-- disclaimer --
I am not a DBUnit expert, and am only using a small portion of its features!
-- end disclaimer --

With that said...I will give you an overview of how I am using DBUnit.  

Step 1:
I start by seeding my database.  Once that is done I use DBUnit to export a
snapshot of the database.

Step 2:
Proceed to develop new features, bug fixes, etc.  

Step 3:
When development is complete and prior to running my unit tests, I use
DBUnit to reset the db back to a last known good state to remove any data
that was inserted during development.

Step 4:
I run my unit tests that test functionality with limited / no data and let
my unit tests populate the db.  This allows for testing of how the system
performs with and without expected data. 

Step 5:
I run a cleanup script that includes a DBUnit reset.

Step 6:
goto step 2 and repeat.


Rich Kroll

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