Thanks Brian,

Yeah I see your point about validation being a business concern, however,
like you say because it is something that concerns all elements of the
application, then does that not make it a cross cutting one?

I've just done a little bit of hunting around on the web and there seems to
be lots of articles for using SPRING (the JAVA father of CS) to implement a
standard of data validation across the entire application, so it would seem
the principle has been explored before.

Now I agree that you should really be validating every business object,
however I'm thinking about building this proxy layer between the controller
and the model, and all data coming from the controller is generally user
generated, from a form or url, and in my mind this is perhaps the best place
to validate the data, before it actually gets into the business objects
rather than once its arrived.

Now the way in which I envisage the validation working would impose a
certain amount of naming convention amongst my application, however this can
work well for me, for instance, I have Users, Guests, Tech Support Staff,
Suppliers, News Letter Subscribes etc ... now all of those objects have a
First Name, Last Name, Email Address etc... so It makes good business sense
to apply the same rule to all those objects, so they all have their
variables named identically, i.e. FirstName, then I need only define one
valuation rule, in one location for the variable named 'FirstName' and know
that it is safely applied to all of my objects, and the data being passed
into them. Does that make sense? This is a new concept that I knocked up
over the weekend for me so it's still a little sketchy.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Kotek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 October 2007 16:10
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: AOP in ColdSpring and ModelGlue

On 10/8/07, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
> Hello Brian,
> Thanks a great deal for the detailed reply, it does help make things a
> little clearer. You're right to say that my example was hardcoded values
> and
> this would most defiantly be difficult to validate using AOP, however in a
> real working example I have a nice little validation service adapted from
> Javier Julios data Validator component which allows me to define data
> validation rules for variables by name, so the advice object would be
> passing the variable 'name' off to the validation service and the service
> would then find the correct rules for that variable and test it against
> them
> accordingly. So in my case, being able validate variables on the fly using
> AOP is certainly plausible.

It sounds possible, but doesn't this essentially mean every variable name in
your system has to be unique? What if I have a customer with a name and a
user with a name? It seems like an odd way to perform validation, unless I'm
misreading. I'm also still not convinced that just because it is possible
means it's a good idea. It seems like validation is something you really
want explicitly attached to the business object being validated, since these
are really business rules. In other words, under what condition would you
*not* want to validate a business object? Maybe it's just because I perform
validation quite differently and I might be missing some underlying benefit
of what you're proposing. (I have a Validator composed into my business
objects, which handle validation using either database metadata or XML
validation rules.)

Like you say the general principle of this process should be identical
> regardless of whether I'm using MG or not, however the problem that arises
> with MG is that the only way I can currently see this working is to adapt
> my
> controllers so they contain a conditional which watches for returned
> values
> from the proxy, and if there is one then act upon it by pushing the user
> back to the form, however this seems to totally eliminate the benefits of
> an
> AOP approach to the concerns as the whole point of AOP is to eliminate
> code
> which doesn't concern the business logic.
> If we're using something like before or after advice then this isn't a
> problem as its effectively non responsive and has no control over the work
> flow, however when trying to apply this 'about' advice, I can't see how it
> can be done without defeating its own purpose of having to watch for
> returned values. Unless of course we can give the advice object access to
> the event object.

Well you could always try to pass the event into the Proxy as an argument,
but I think that would be a bad idea. I suppose my take might be:

   1. Pass data into the AOP Proxy
   2. AOP Proxy calls runs the validation rules on the incoming data.
   3. If data is valid, pass the data on into the target Service object
   and let it do it's work
   4. Proxy creates an instance of a Result object and populates it with
   errors array, messages, or whatever data you will need for later
   5. Proxy returns the Result object to the caller (in this case the MG
   6. MG Controller can call something like result.isSuccess() to
   determine what results it needs to add to the event queue.

Would something like that work for you?

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