Hey Guys,


I hope you're all well, I've got a challenge when it come to composition
which I was hoping you could give me a few pointers on,


Basically I have a scenario in my application which has a supertype/subtype
relationship between a bunch of tables and I'm struggling with how to build
this kind of relationship between my objects. I'm not sure if you've worked
with the supertype idea before, or heard the term, Its actually quite simple
from a database point of view. I'll help clarify it with an example.


In my application I deal with lots of different types of multimedia, such as
Images, Text Files, Audio, Video, Games and a myriad of other things,
however my application needs to be able to access these different media
types from a single location in the database. So I have a single table
called 'Media' which contains all the common details between different media
files, like ID, Name, Size, DateCreated and such like, and then I have a
myriad of different tables, like Text, Image, Audio, Video which contain all
the unique information for each different type of message, along with a FK
which links them back to my 'Media' table.


Now what I need to be able to do is create a Media object within my
application, but also have access to that additional information for when I
write it to the database, and likewise when reading out. I'm not sure
whether this is best solved with some form of composition, or perhaps this
is where the 'Extend' attribute will come in handy for me? Create the media
object as the Base class and have my other media types Extend it? I really
don't know.


What do you think chaps? I hope I haven't confused you too much with my
babbling question.





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