I've got a newsletter and email list management admin system set up for 
a client. There's a number of ways they can get email addresses into a 
specific list - enter through a form, import from Excel ...

I've got validation (regEX) on the input side to try and filter out bad 

   //Returns if a str is a valid email
function IsEmail(address) {
return TRUE;
else return FALSE;

Just to be sure, I run it again on the output "Send a Newsletter" side:

1. <cfloop query="mailLIST">
2.  <cfif isEmail(mailLIST.sendTO)>
3.     <cfmail from="#mailLIST.sendTO#" ......

15. <cfelse>
16.    #mailLIST.sendTO# is a bad address - delete?
17. </cfif>

But, there seems to be an address or two that isEmail will allow, but 
causes cfmail will throw an error.

I need to be dead sure that whatever routine I'm using will catch 
*anything* that cfmail is going to choke on.

There's some pretty tough to validate real email address in the database 
that look like:


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