
Did you upgrade your database from MySQL4 to MySQL5 as part of your upgrade to 

If so, you might check your submitDate field in your tblRegistration and see if 
the default still exists in the table (assuming you were using a default value 
to set the current date in that table).

It might be that the data was copied over, but not some of the settings.


> Hello,
> Recently I've noticed a weird problem.
> During registration, I keep customer information in a registration 
> (temporary) table until they confirm their account via email.
> Once the account is confirmed, I copy their data from the registration 
> table into the customer table.
> The SQL is similar to this:
> INSERT INTO tblCustomers (firstName, lastName, submitDate) 
> SELECT firstName, lastName, submitDate
> FROM tblRegistration
> WHERE customerID = #getUserInfo.customerID#
> This has worked fine for over 400 customers so far.
> But recently I have noticed the submit date is copying over 
> incorrectly and is being inserted as null (0000-00-00).
> The only thing I could think of that has changed is that Crystal Tech 
> (the hosting company) has switched over to ColdFusion 8.
> Is there any obvious solution to this problem that I have missed? 
> Could it be something that changed in ColdFusion 8?
> Any help would be appreciated. 

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