I'm unable to locate where the values concatenate.  When I click on the button 
twice, I get the following error msg, "Returns the value, "16,16".  I'm not 
sure what I'm doing wrong??  Can someone please help?

<cfif parameterexists(FORM.startindex)>
<cfset startnum = #FORM.startindex#>   
<cfelseif parameterexists(URL.startindex)>
<cfset startnum = #URL.startindex#> 
<cfset startnum=1>

<cfset count = 0>
<cfoutput query="getdocs">
<cfset count=#count#+1>

<cfset endnum = #startnum# +14>
<cfif #endnum# GT #count#>
<cfset endnum = #count#></cfif>
<cfset prev=#startnum# - 15>
<cfset next=#endnum# +1>

<cfset reccount = #startnum# - 1>
<cfoutput query="getdocs" maxrows="15" startrow="#startnum#">
<cfset reccount = #reccount# +1>
<p align="left">


<cfif #getdocs.deptRestriction# EQ 0 OR #session.deptID# NEQ 
<a href="#docstorage#/#docName#" target="_blank"><b>#docTitle#</b>
<b>#docTitle# (Secured Document) </b>

<font size="-2">Date: #DateFormat(lastupdate, "MM/DD/YY")#
Rev ##: 
<cfif #revision# is 0>Initial<cfelse>#revision#</cfif>
<font size="-1"><br><b>#docNumber#</b><br></font>
<font size="-2">Summary: <i>#Left(summary, 125)#....&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(<a
href="../docs/view.cfm?docID=#docID#">see more</a>)</i></font>

<cfif ActionType NEQ 'R'>
<cfform action="../docs/docActionLog.cfm?#CGI.QUERY_STRING#">

<!---  <cfif #startnum# GTE 15> ---> 
<input type="hidden" name="hello" value="#startnum#">
<!--- <cfelseif #count# GTE #next#> 
<input type="hidden" name="next" value="#startnum#">
<!--- </cfif>  --->                       
<input type="hidden" name="DocName" value="#docName#">
<input type="hidden" name="DocID" value="#DocID#">
<input type="hidden" name="DocAction" value="R">
<input type="submit" value="I have reviewed and understand
this document"> 


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