my comment and suggestion to read up on hrefkey use was addressed to the 
OP, Phil, not to you...
i know you know those attributes :)
sorry if I caused confusion

but why do you think there is more to Phil's code than what he has posted?
his mentioning "garbage in the url" makes me think his grid is just a 
simple one linked to a "details.cfm" page via "summary" column...


Dale Fraser wrote:
> I understand what those tags are doing, what I don't understand is what you
> want to do.
> >From the sound of your post you wanted to do something when a row was
> clicked, not a column.
> If you can answer my question on where the details show, ie pod, div or
> window (ajax or html) types then I can assist.
> Regards
> Dale Fraser
> http://learncf.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Azadi Saryev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, 16 October 2007 11:23 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: DataGrid with Dynamic Link
> read up on how to use hrefkey attribute of cfgridcolumn tag. you are 
> using it wrong. there is no column named ID that it is tied to.


Azadi Saryev

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