On 10/16/07, Gabriel Robichaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone
> I have a bit of code and I am a little confused as to why, when i change
> the format attribute to ="flash", the whole thing goes crazy. All the values
> in my text field are identical to the first row returned by the query.
> However, HTML format works quite well with expected output.
> Any input would be great. Code is bellow. I am working off Windows XP. CF8
> Dev edition.
> <cfoutput>
> <cfloop query="getLabels">
> <cfform format="html"  id="mod#theID#" 
> action="index.cfm?view=labels&#session.URLToken#"
> method="post" skin="haloSilver" width="310">
>    <cfformgroup type="horizontal">
>      <cfinput type="hidden" name="ID" value="#theID#">
>      <cfformitem width="25" type="html">#theLabelID#</cfformitem>
>      <cfinput width="170" type="text" value="#theContent#" name="label">
>      <cfinput width="75" type="submit" value="Update" name="submit">
>    </cfformgroup>
>  </cfform>
> </cfloop>

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