<cflock name="#CreateUUID()#" type="exclusive" timeout="30"
        <cfset PAGE_clean_SERVERFILE = replace(cffile.SERVERFILE, " ", "_",
        <cffile action="RENAME" source="cffile.SERVERFILE#"

Firstly, the CFLOCK as you have it is pointless. Using a CreateUUID()
function to name a lock simply creates a lock that is uniquely named and
offers no protection to the code running inside. 

Your mileage may vary if you call the lock name fileUpload or if you need
more granularity, #cffile.serverfile#.

Next, I'm not sure if the code you've entered is a copy paste or a retype
(I'm assuming a re-type) because you have an error in the cffile tag call.
Source should have a # before the cffile.

Thirdly, it would help if we could see your CFFILE action="upload" call that
actually uploads the file to your server so we can determine what the
filename is going to be, eg as you uploaded it or, uniquely renamed by CF as
part of the upload process.


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