You will typically either learn VB.NET or C#.  There are other languages that 
run the .NET framework but they are not in general usage, nor supported by 
Microsoft as languages.

To respond to Alan's comment, there is in fact such a thing as ASP.NET, 
although his insight is understood.  ASP.NET encompasses the .NET programming 
that is done primarily within the System.Web namespace, with additional classes 
from the System.Net and System.Data namespaces making up the main thrust of 

Objects that are unique to web programming and familiar to you as a CF 
developer (Sessions, Cookies, URLs, etc) are present and will be useful to you 
in .NET as they are in CF.  What you will see in .NET that you don't get in CF 
(without the benefit of a CF framework) are event-driven applications.

There is a lot more to know about and a lot less done for you.  Things that 
seemed very easy in CF will be made ridiculously tough in ASP.NET.
If you're a good programmer, you'll come to realize that the set of tools 
you're given can be parsed down to a select few for ease of use.  Also, you can 
start writing libraries of your own code that will also make the transistion 

ASP.NET is never going to be as simple or quick as CF.  There are substantial 
basic differences in the tools.  CF is principally for Web dev, although people 
have pushed it further than that. ASP.NET is part of the larger .NET effort 
that is taking over the Windows operating system. You'll see much more of it in 
Windows 2008.  

Just a few new benefits of ASP.NET/IIS 7 in Windows 2008...
Ability to programmatically administer the web server
ASP.NET modules that affect the processing pipeline of IIS 7 just like ISAPIs
Add your own UI modules to IIS 7 - meaning that you can change IIS to do 
exactly what you need it to do
Newly rewritten FTP service - including FTPS.

I would recommend that you get started by downloading the free tool Visual Web 
Developer at  Install 
SQL Server 2005 Express along with it and you'll be writing the same sort of 
thing you've been doing all along, except in ASP.NET.

For a forum, try  For IIS issues, try

When was learning .NET, I started with the Dummies books (I don't recommend 
them for .NET... at least, not the ones from 5 years ago) and loved the 
Microsoft Press books.  I found them easy to use.

- Matt Small

>It lookos like we may be making the move away from CF to .Net so the
>boss has tasked me to get going on .Net training.  Can anyone recommend
>good "on site" training places near Boston, Southern New Hampshire?  
>Also, what's the best book out there for ASP.Net?  Am I going to have to 
>learn C # as well?
>Thanks for any initial insight.

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